Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Gujibahal, venue of the Buddha Jayanti hosting vihara of Patan.
Newly constructed 21 feet Buddha statue at Gujibahal

Gujibahal is situated in Patan City, Ward No. 6, Lalitpur. This is a small homogenious  Newar community. This is purly Buddhist community and has got about 200 households. There is a main Buddhist shrine in the middle of the community which calles Baishawarna Maha Vihar. This is the main monestry as well. Other main Agaam God and Goddess are Trailokya Bijaya and Aji. They were brought from Lhasa by our ancester Aaju. It is believed that - they are very powerful Gods. Whoever worships them with pure mind/soul, their desire or wish would be fulfilled. Those who have judicery cases/problems or serious illness - people do offer special pujaa at Agaam.

In Gujibahal, there are two sub-monastries as well in differrent chowks. In the main chowk there are one big Buddhist Stupa and a 21 feet tall Buddha statue (see attached), they are the main touristic attraction of Gujibahal. Other small Buddhist shrines are also established there in each chowk and all the household members do worship each shrine every day.


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